How to use ATT Tilt as a wireless modem?

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This is the only way that I know it will work!


Windows XP: You must install Microsoft ActiveSync software first to get RNDIS driver in place for this to work!
Windows Vista or Windows 7: It is built into the Sync Center so no need to install anything.

With the above exception, the below steps will work for all flavor of Windows.

. First, connect your USB cable or pairing your Bluetooth first

. Second, start "File Explorer" from your ATT Tilt

. Click on Windows then scroll down look for "Internet Sharing"

. You will get the "Internet Sharing" screen prompt for "PC Connection", pick either USB or Bluetooth then "Connect"

. The above will cause Windows to create "Windows Mobile-based Internet Sharing Device". You can look in the device manager to see this! You can also see a network connection created in the network connections.

That's it!

Oh! I forgot to mention that you need to start your browser or something to see if you can access internet resources!

