Hightlight of this version:
* Add additional sort by created desc together with number of newsflash to get latestX effect
* MosNewsWriter is a newsflash module to display content title as hyper link with 4 different styles and many customizable parameters as outline below.
* Show newsflash from multiple contents or categories from articles
* Show newsflash from RSS feed
* Enhance RSS parser to better handle feed that moved or behind proxy.
* Display order in Ordering, modified desc, created desc or Random (make the flash more interesting!)
* Set number of newsflash to display
* Four different styles to choose: TypeWriter, Flash, Marquee, GH.
* moduleclass_sfx so that you can customize the look of the module
* Borders to set a border width
* Text color to set the color of your link
* Background color to set the color of the newsflash background
* Height to set the height of the newsflash
* Text Length to set the limit of the title length to avoid over run
* Delay of the newsflash
* Pre-text for "typewriter" style to hightlight your newsflash
* Direction for marquee setting: up, down, right and left
* Scroll amount to set how many line to scroll
* Enhance to run as many instances on the same page.
* Jim Cakalic for code contribution and idea
* Wiki: http://wiki.ongetc.com
* Support: http://support.ongetc.com/index.php?option=com_phorum&Itemid=175
* Download: http://support.ongetc.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sec...
Any donation$ would be greatly appreciated. Thanks